Wyoming School Psychologist Requirements | Licensure & Certification in WY | School-Psychologists.com (2025)

Wyoming school psychologists are licensed by the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB), under the banner of the Department of Education. They are classified as Professional Services Personnel. Licensure is based on graduate education. There are minor state-specific requirements.

Optionally, school psychologist can seek credentialing through the Wyoming Board of Psychology. Depending on their education and training, they may be eligible for licensure as professional psychologists or certification as Specialists in School Psychology.

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  • Requirements for Licensure through the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board
  • The PTSB Application Process
  • Requirements for Licensure through the Wyoming Board of Psychology
  • Background Check
  • Contacts and Additional Information Sources

Requirements for Licensure through the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board

A Wyoming school psychologist must complete an approved graduate degree program. An institutional recommendation will be required at the time of application.

The National Association of School Psychologists notes that Wyoming generally recognizes out-of-state licenses if they were granted on the basis of similar standards (http://www.nasponline.org/certification/state_info_list2.aspx).

Wyoming requires educators to demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming constitutions. Knowledge may be demonstrated through coursework or examination (http://ptsb.state.wy.us/Licensure/BecomingLicensed/USWyomingConstitution/tabid/153/Default.aspx. Examinations are administered at the PTSB office and at the administrative offices of Wyoming school districts. Out-of-state candidates may arrange to have the examination sent to a proctor in another jurisdiction; the proctor can be a professor or school administrator. Candidates wishing to use an outside proctor may contact the Board at ptsbtemp at wyo.gov.

Background Checks

Candidates for licensure through the Department of Education must have fingerprint-based criminal background checks. There is an associated $50 fee (in addition to any fingerprinting fee that may be charged by the agency).

Applicants are permitted to have their prints made at any law enforcement agency. They are to use the correct Wyoming cards. Candidates who cannot obtain cards through their local agency may contact the Board. They may send an email with the heading ‘FINGERPRINT CARD REQUEST’ to the email address found on the ‘background checks’ page of the WTPS site (http://ptsb.state.wy.us/Licensure/BecomingLicensed/Fingerprinting/tabid/152/Default.aspx).

The licensing agency notes that background checks carried out by school districts are no longer accepted, but that candidates who hold current PTSB credentials (including substitute licenses) should have information on file.

If a background check does not come up clear, the Executive Director will make a determination about license eligibility.

The PTSB Application Process

Candidates use the same application packet whether they are applying as teachers or service personnel. The application includes instructions for different license types and is available for download on the PTSB site (http://ptsb.state.wy.us/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=gPI1O5t-_TM%3d&tabid=94). Candidates are advised to make sure they have the most current version.

Official transcripts are required. They must bear the university seal but do not necessarily have to be in sealed envelopes.

The institutional recommendation must be filled out by an appropriate school official. The candidate will send the form to the institution that granted the degree; the official will confirm that the program was license qualifying in that state, and that the candidate met requirements and is recommended for credentialing. The licensing agency notes that the recommendation determines what endorsements a candidate is eligible for (http://ptsb.state.wy.us/Licensure/BecomingLicensed/InstitutionalRecommendation/tabid/155/Default.aspx).

Fingerprint cards are to be included with the application materials.

Wyoming currently charges a $150 initial licensing fee to in-state graduates and a $200 fee to out-of-state graduates.

Application status can be monitored online. An individual who sees “incomplete application” listed as status is advised to immediately contact the Professional Teaching Standards Board.

In cases where fingerprints are required, the typical processing time is six to eight weeks during the school year and eight to twelve weeks during the summer months. Interested individuals can click a link on the main page of the PTSB site to get updated information about processing times.

Requirements for Licensure through the Wyoming Board of Psychology

The Wyoming Board of Psychology grants the Specialist in School Psychology credential. A Specialist in School Psychology does not necessarily work for the schools but must practice under supervision.

A school psychologist who is credentialed by the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board and also holds national certification through the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is considered to have met the initial requirements for education, examination, and experience (http://soswy.state.wy.us/Rules/RULES/8710.pdf).

A PTSB-licensed school psychologist may also demonstrate qualifications for the specialist credential directly to the Board of Psychology. To do so, the individual will need evidence of having completed a NASP-approved program. A qualifying degree may be a master’s program plus 30 additional semester hours or a higher degree that represents at least 60 graduate semester hours. An internship experience of at least 1,200 hours will be required; at least 600 internship hours must be earned in a school setting. (A NASP-certified Nationally Certified School Psychologist will have similar requirements for semester hours and internship hours, but will not be required to provide evidence of NASP program approval; there is an alternate method to demonstrate competencies.)

A school specialist candidate must pass the national examination for school psychologists. This is administered by Educational Testing Service. Candidates who apply first for national certification will also take the examination. Information is available on the NASP page of the ‘ETS’ site (https://www.ets.org/praxis/nasp/requirements).

The Specialist in School Psychology will need an hour of individual supervision for each hour of service delivery for the first five years. At this point, supervision may be reduced to an hour a month.

A licensed psychologist is eligible for independent and private practice. This option, however, is only available to school psychologists who have training at the doctoral level.

Application materials for professional psychologist or Specialist in School Psychology can be downloaded from the Board website (http://plboards.state.wy.us/psychology/forms.asp).

Additional Information

The Professional Teaching Standards Board can be contacted by telephone at 307-777-7291 or 1-800-675-6893.

The Wyoming School Psychology Association is an additional professional resource (http://www.wspa-wy.com).

Wyoming School Psychologist Requirements | Licensure & Certification in WY | School-Psychologists.com (2025)


How to become a licensed psychologist in Wyoming? ›

How to Become a Psychologist in Wyoming
  1. Earn a bachelor's degree and (optionally) a master's degree in psychology. ...
  2. Earn a doctoral degree in psychology. ...
  3. Gain at least two years of supervised professional experience in your area of training. ...
  4. Submit your application to the Board. ...
  5. Pass the psychology licensing exam.

What is the best degree for a school psychologist? ›

In order to become a school psychologist, you will first need a bachelor's degree. As a firm foundation, you will want to have a background in statistics, developmental psychology, social psychology, and educational psychology, and a degree in psychology or education covers those areas.

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School Psychologist Skills
  • Communication. School psychologists rely on effective communication skills to interact with students and other professionals within educational environments. ...
  • Mental health. ...
  • Ethics. ...
  • Consultation and collaboration. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Active listening. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Writing.
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What credentials are needed to practice school psychology in California? At minimum, you will need a master's degree in school psychology from an accredited program and certification through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 3. What is the career outlook for school psychologists?

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The data below, pulled from Modern Psychologist, indicate the states where the psychologist requirements are easiest to obtain.
  • Alabama has no requirement for postdoctoral hours.
  • Hawaii: 1900 hours of postdoctoral experience and EPPP are required, but no other exams are needed.
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4 common tools for self-directed therapy
  1. Journaling. Writing about your thoughts, emotions, and experiences can help you identify thinking and behavioral patterns and challenges. ...
  2. Self-help books. Learning from other people's experiences and expertise can support your self-help journey. ...
  3. Guided courses. ...
  4. Phone apps.
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School psychologists often cite limited resources and serious student behavioral issues as the most challenging and stressful aspects of their jobs.

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According to Jessica Kendorski, PhD, NCSP, BCBA-D, school psychology is unique in that it bridges the disciplines of education and psychology. “We use psychological principles in educational environments to promote optimal learning for children and to promote their social, emotional and academic development,” she said.

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Median Annual School Psychologist Salary
StateMedian SalaryTop 10%
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School psychologists tend to be predominantly investigative individuals, which means that they are quite inquisitive and curious people that often like to spend time alone with their thoughts. They also tend to be social, meaning that they thrive in situations where they can interact with, persuade, or help people.

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Working with children that have such significant issues takes a healthy amount of patience, empathy, understanding, and time. It's not easy work, so stress is likely to occur.

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School psychologists are solutions-oriented, helping professionals who use research to inform their professional practice. They work hard to improve the educational experiences and lives of children, families, and communities as well as the systems they work within.

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License Requirements
  • Master's degree in psychology, school psychology, counseling and guidance, or a degree equivalent determined by the Board, obtained at a university accredited by one of the accrediting bodies: ...
  • Applicants must successfully complete 60 semester hours of postgraduate work in pupil personal services.

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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, common requirements include completion of at least a bachelor's program along with a student teaching experience (www.bls.gov).

What education must someone have to practice school psychology in the United States? ›

Most states require a graduate degree to work as a licensed school psychologist. You'll first need to earn an undergraduate degree in psychology or a related field (e.g., sociology, child development, or education).

How do I become an LPC in Wyoming? ›

LPC licensure in Wyoming requires the completion of 3,000 hours of supervision for holders of master's degrees, with 1,200 hours of direct client contact and 100 hours of face-to-face, individual direction from an approved supervisor.

How to become a licensed psychologist with a master's degree USA? ›

There are four common steps to become a psychologist: earning a bachelor's degree, obtaining an advanced psychology degree (i.e., a master's, doctorate or both) from an accredited program, completing at least a one-year internship or postdoctoral program to gain experience working with patients, and obtaining a license ...

Does University of Wyoming have a psychology program? ›

The psychology program at UW teaches students to understand human behavior from biological, clinical, cognitive, developmental, neuroscientific and social psychological perspectives. Students will graduate the program prepared for a range of careers or to pursue an advanced degree in psychology or related fields.

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Clinical psychologists must have a doctorate, either a Ph. D. or a Psy D., and usually require training to get licensure to practice, commonly taking one or two years. In total, it could take up to ten years to become a licensed clinical psychologist.


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